Todd & Julia; August 20, 2005

Gift ideas

The main gift we ask of those visiting this section of our site is simply to to be with us on our wedding day and share in our joy. Unless you just found this page randomly by Googling for something unrelated, in which case we'll simply ask you to stay at home and think happy thoughts, thanks.

For those who would like some ideas on what to get us, we have registered at a few places, listed below. Unfortunately, more than once, Todd had a bit too much fun with the bar-code-scanning laser gun, pointing it willy-nilly at things in the store and making "kazzzzing!" noises, resulting in the accidental registering of whole shelves and, occasionally, departments. He was later subdued with a tasty smoothie and the registeries corrected. This is largely a fib, but it takes up space.

Kitchen Kaboodle

For kitchen-related items, we were registered at Kitchen Kaboodle. However, thanks to our generous friends, there is no longer anything on that registry that hasn't been purchased.

Which isn't to say, for those still looking for gift ideas for us, that we wouldn't still appreciate a Kitchen Kaboodle gift certificate. However, we don't have any specific needs at this time.

Linens 'n' Things

We were also registered at Linens 'n' Things, but again, our many generous friends purchased everything that we thought we might need.

Home Depot

We were also registered at Home Depot, and while we may still have a registry open if you go to your local Home Depot and look up our names, it's probably best not to get anything at this point. Our friends — who, did we mention, are very generous — got us a lot of gift cards, and it's a fair bet that they're at least equal to the value of what we'd registered for. As such, we likely don't have any needs that Home Depot can fulfill, except for the occasional desire that Julia has for Todd to push her around in one of those large orange carts and have people ask us, "In what aisle can you get those?"

Other gift ideas

Clearly, we don't have any big "needs" at this point. As such, a nice letter is always welcome. Perhaps with photos or drawings you have made.

However, if you feel compelled out of love or societal expectations to give us a gift, you should know that we won't refuse any shipments of food or drink, if you think they'll make the trip okay. Sweets are nice (especially chocolates, most especially of the dark type), but know that Todd will eat a disproportionate amount of anything with sugar in it. If you like Julia better, this is not the best choice. Alcohol is always nice. We're beer snobs, so any beer that is tasty or otherwise previously untasted is always a treat. We like wine, but we're not connoisseurs, so don't bother buying us anything fancy — as long as you take off the price tag, we'll assume it's a good bottle. And exotic liquors of other types are always interesting, provided that they're not vermouth.

The only other thing we've been thinking about purchasing is furniture, but it seems odd to register for that, so we'll just note that both Cost Plus World Market and IKEA have good selections of furniture and also offer gift cards (which you can find at the two previous links).